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Mind Of A Fashionista

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Fashion & Style: Fashionable Goals To Set for 2016

fashionable goals
The start of a new year brings with it resolutions. Most people want to change something. They may want to improve their finances, read more, get in shape, take up a hobby, you name it everyone sets their mind to do something. Whether they accomplish it or not, is another story, but I want to focus on a different type of goal. This year I was exposed to a different side of fashion. I must say it sparked something in me and my inner Fashionista wants to come out. I’ve never thought about setting fashion related goals, but it’s a new year so I’m doing something new. These are goals that anyone can do to change their look and impression about fashion.

So here they are Fashionable Goals for 2016:

Attend a Fashion Show

I’ve always heard about NYFW. When I was hooked on Sex in the City I imagined what it would be like to attend. The fashion, makeup, models, food, and other events! It might be a bit of a stretch to attend this particular fashion show, but I also learned there are local fashion events. From local designers and even store events. This year add attending a fashion event to your list of goals. I would love to see the behind the scenes action and really start to understand what it takes to put on a fashion event, and of course enjoy the fashions.

Get a style consultationThat’s right be ‘rich and famous’ for a day and get styled! A stylist or image consultant can help bring out your best in fashion. It may be time for a change. My job requires a professional look, and it’s starting to be a bit boring. I want to still be glam at the office without overdoing it. An image consultant can help me revamp my wardrobe.

Clean out your closet!!!This is a huge one for me. I have clothes that I have not worn or can’t fit. It’s time for them to go. Out with the old and in with the new. Revamp your style, while doing a good deed. Donate your article of clothing to a local charity or give them to someone in need.

Catalog your closetThere are fashion apps available that can digitally store your wardrobe. This will save time when getting ready, you can create a style from anywhere. Having your closet with you while shopping can help you build up your wardrobe and prevent you from buying duplicate or similar pieces. The best part, you won’t wear the same thing twice!

Take pictures

I rarely have pictures taken of myself, other than the occasional selfie. When you get photographed you have a better idea of what you look like and it can give you some direction. Having professional pictures taken forces you to get glam and is a good boost for your self-esteem. On regular days it gives you a honest look at what others see. You may decide your current style choices aren’t working or maybe they are peftect and you can help another lady bring out her inner Fashionista.

Choose a style icon (or two)Find someone who’s style you really like. Use your style icon as inspiration. Create a fashion board. It’s like a vision board for clothes.

Treat yourself!
Commit to buying yourself at least 1 new outfit a month or whatever works for your budget. This should be a complete outfit, including accessories.

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